2009 - A Different Philippine Tour.
One of the unexpected side effects of regular Philippine trips has been my growing collection of all things related to the country. Besides a photo collection now exceeding 64,000, I have somehow found myself collecting model buses, model planes , number plates, jeepney destination signs and even model trains.
But it is the collection of Tanduay bottles that has formed the biggest part of this rather obsessive collection.
Since 2004, I have endeavoured to collect every type that has become available. Alas, I have not been 100% successful, a few constantly eluding me (probably to my wife's relief :-) ).
Such was my interest in collecting, I decided to try my luck and email the company about a tour.
I didn't honestly think they would permit it, I am used to security there being a little overboard when it comes to visits. I pretty much resigned myself to the fact it will go ignored, like so many other requests.
But, not only did I receive a response, they were genuinely happy to allow me to visit whenever I was in the country.
Thankfully that was to be in only a couple of weeks.
I was somewhat overwhelmed upon getting to see their collection in the head office.Oh my goodness, it was right then that I realised how many I was missing.
I have since got that lovely barrel at top right ;-)
I have since got that lovely barrel at top right ;-)
What I found most fascinating during the tour was the fact they had two bottling areas operating. One was the original, very labour intensive system. While the other was a more recent addition that utilised, if I recall correctly, just two people to run the whole process.
I believe most of these photos show the newer setup.
I believe most of these photos show the newer setup.
I placed my Tanduay order :-)
Hahaha I wish.
There is a barrel display at the entrance that makes it impossible not to know when you have arrived.
They even have their own cute little fire truck.
Thankfully it does not see much use.
They wouldn't even let me take that home :-(
This is Edward, my tour guide.
A truly awesome one at that. He knew so much about the company and was one of the funniest guys I have met.
I often wonder if he still works there.
A truly awesome one at that. He knew so much about the company and was one of the funniest guys I have met.
I often wonder if he still works there.
That is pretty much it for his post.
If your looking for a Philippine tour with a difference, and enjoy seeing the behind the scenes workings of famous Philippine companies, then this is well worth the effort to go to Cabuyao (just south of Manila in the province of Laguna).

If your looking for a Philippine tour with a difference, and enjoy seeing the behind the scenes workings of famous Philippine companies, then this is well worth the effort to go to Cabuyao (just south of Manila in the province of Laguna).

Until next post - stay safe everyone.
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